Friday, May 18, 2007

G W Bush

I have disliked Bush almost from the first days of his presidency. I distrusted him, in hindsight appropriately, because I have observed in corporate life that you can tell a great deal about the man in charge by the people he places near his seat of power. I saw Cheney and Rumsfeld as arrogant bullies. I have seen their type in business and they are so sure of their opinions that they ignore efforts to advise or reason - they are poison. This pattern persisted with Bolton, Gonzales and Wolfowitz.

I concur with Bill who wrote in his blog, "The George W Bush Administration will not go down in history as a mediocre presidency. It will be remembered as thoroughly ineffective and one of the most grossly incompetent administrations in American history."

Don't confuse arrogance for strength.

1 comment:

Chris Silvey said...

It is almost too easy to quick the current administration...the next time they coherently defend a policy position may be the first time it happens. GWB couldn't sell a girlfriend at a Star Trek convention.

When you listen to Tony Blair defend the war and lay out the reasons for it you are left wondering how GWB can have such a hard time keeping the reasons clear. I actually believe when GWB speaks about the war he actually loses pisses me off.

Here is a challenge...try to write a similar sized post complimenting the president. Not an easy task.