Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Brue 1994-2007

We brought Brue home yesterday and she was doing okay. However, as I wrote in my last post, Dr. Tony believed she would soon fail. Last night, within just a few hours her conditioned worsened so rapidly that we found ourselves rushing her to Animal Emergency in Wilmington to put her to sleep. The hour long trip was an eternity because she was yelping in pain with nearly every breath.

It surprised us and Dr. Tony too. We hadn't expected so abrupt a change.

Thinking about Brue a word that resonates with me is "gentle." She never, ever, showed any anger - growled - anything - towards any of us (except Koko who deserved it). Brue was easygoing but immensely loyal and faithful. Goodbye baby.

1 comment:

Chris Silvey said...

Brue was a good dog. Sorry.