Sunday, July 06, 2008

Contrarian Party

I think we should form a new political party called the Contrarian Party. Contrarian because until politicians get it right, we adopt as our platform the motion to always vote incumbents out of office. Our own representatives wouldn't stay in office either but that wouldn't matter.

In private enterprise, companies seek to remove individuals that do not perform, that do not do what they say will. So why in the world do people continue to vote incumbents into office?

I recall at the last election Democrats entered office with fanfare - announcing they were going to do something about earmarks. If that means increasing them, perhaps they were right. Washington is unable to enact balanced legislation, work through differences and accomplish anything. The Bush administration had a majority in congress yet has a dismal record. The Democrats have done nothing better.

How about spending and the budget? Vote 'em out until they start balancing the budget and curbing spending. Our tax system is simply a blank check. Raise taxes whenever we spend too much...or print more money. Either way, we lose.

You might argue that some would vote for an incumbent because they vote your views. You may, for example, favor remaining in Iraq and think you should vote for the "pro-remaining-in-Iraq" incumbent. Well how about the rest of the mess. Has the fundamental climate changed for the good? Hell no!

When politicians realize they will only keep power and stay in office by actually being good stewards, working together, being responsible and honest. Our Contraian Party will disband. In the meantime I won't have to debate as to who might do a better job or holds views like mine, I just vote them out.

McCain or Obama? Neither! They are incumbents. Instead, how about Ralph Nader, or if you don't like him, write in Alfred E. Neuman? Yeah sounds a little chaotic but is that any worse? It would be very interesting indeed if the political establishment were suddenly confronted with a serious threat such as this - they would huddle in their back rooms and say "we had better give these folks something to calm them down."

"Later we can return to 'normal'."

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