Monday, April 13, 2009

Archie and More

Its been awhile since I've really blogged so better go back a couple months and start there. If you've been reading my blog you know that Hazel and I adopted a Havanese puppy in January. Archie is now 5 months old and has grown larger but is still a puppy.

Now for a short quiz. Hazel and I were feeling sorry for Archie. He had no playmates his age and we were poor substitutes for a friend that he could wrestle, nip and chase while voicing macho growls.

When Koko and Brue were alive they were close friends and we remembered how they gave each other company when we were away. That prompted us to think about adopting another dog, specifically Archie's sister.

1. Our decision to adopt Arabella was:
a. Stoopid?
b. Stoopid?
c. Stoopid?
d. All of the above?

What fun it has been to try and house train two puppies instead of just one.

"All right! Which of you left this poop??? Two innocent puppies look at us and wag there tails. "Who us?" "No, wasn't me?" "Me either, do we get a treat?"

So here is Arabella (Bella for short):

Her appearance may be doleful but she is a happy cheerful puppy.

We wouldn't do a thing different. These two have brought so much joy to our lives. The abandon and joy of puppies is contagious. Although in the evening when Hazel and I sometimes want to veg out and just watch TV, the dogs seem to think that is the best time to play.

Bella is the gregarious social butterfly and wants to greet all dogs and people. She is also something of a gossip and loves to tell jokes.

Archie is a little more serious, taking his role as male dog to heart. He is more vocal but frustrated because the neighbor cats ignore him.

It was a good move to adopt Bella and the two puppies are fast friends.

Bella and Archie have graduated from pre-school and are now enrolled in kindergarten. They have learned how to milk us for treats and make us beg.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Hi Ward...I love the pictures of the puppies & the captions. One dog is definitely enough. We keep Holly's little mountain feist terrier & he is sufficient. Barb