Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Golfing Rant

I think I've mentioned that I get the Wall Street Journal. I don't get it for the financial information. I scan the financial headlines and if the news is bleak I quickly move on to other articles and wait a day for better news.

What I enjoy is such things as the article on belly dancing. Seems expectant mothers are taking up belly dancing to help them in child birth. Belly dancing was not always a night club act. Actually it was developed to help in the child labor process (no, not making them work, that would be the article on whips and chains).

The last Saturday-Sunday issue had an article in the sports section about "The Worst People to Play With." There was of course the non-stop talker, the coach and others. What really resonated was John Paul Newport's (the author) number 1 most annoying golfer. The guy who never seems to be quite ready. He hasn't prepared for his shot or is busy talking. Mr. Newport goes on to compare this guy to the little old lady at the grocery store. This is what resonated with me! I'll call her Nellie.

Nellie waits until the groceries are checked and bagged and only then does she start to fish in her pocketbook for her checkbook and pen. She is the person that also likes to chat with the clerk and pause in her check writing to dwell on a point of conversation. And, it is then that she remembers she has a coupon for $0.10 off the can of cat food she bought. The thing that gets me is the checker remains pleasant and cheerful through all this...this is the south folks.

Nellie really doesn't have to be old or, gasp, female. There is the Nellie at the ATM that waits to...yadda yadda...or sits at the stop light and seems to want the stop light to nicely say "you may go" before she inches forward. Or, Nellie is standing in line in McDonalds and...well you can imagine.

My god! This world would be so much better off if everyone was a yankee type A person like me!

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