Thursday, September 30, 2010

Is He a Bigoted Gay?

I just watched Anderson Cooper interview Andrew Shirvell, an assistant attorney general for the state of Michigan. Shirvall has waged an internet campaign against college student Chris Armstrong, the openly gay student assembly president at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

On a number of posts on the blog there are photoshopped pictures of Armstrong with gay symbols like rainbow flags and swastikas. Shirvell is a bigoted cyberbully and totally refuses to acknowledge that he is waging a hate campaign.

After watching Anderson Cooper I am seriously betting that Shirvall is also a homosexual. Check out the interview here

Andrew Shirvell is the poster child for Alliance Defense Fund. Got time to watch their video?
It is organizations like this that are the most serious threat to Christianity and religion.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

DMV License Renewel

I haven't blogged for sometime but find Facebook and Twitter to be to banal. You are unable to write in sufficient depth on any subject to totally bore the reader. So I've been thinking about blogging more so here I am for the duration...maybe, or, probably not.

As I sat down at the computer this morning I saw the renewal form for the car. I have had it on my desk for a couple weeks and yesterday got around to writing a check. Before writing the check, however, I actually stopped and read some of the directions that said I had to include a $1.00 processing fee. Seems they want you to go online and pay via credit card (without the processing fee). In so doing they can pay $.85 or so. Oh well, it is the government and instead of writing a law to put you in jail for two years for writing bad checks, they'd rather spend $.85. Works for me.

Anyhow, I wasn't really writing about that. What I wanted to mention that I decided to go online to renew and found out that the car had to be inspected (smogged). That's fine but I didn't know that from their form. What almost happened but didn't is I'd write a check with the extra $1.00 processing fee and send it in. They, after a month or so, would then notify me the car had to be inspected. So now I understand why they charge the extra $1.00.

They do not say anything on the form about the car needing inspection prior to renewal like California did (California is sooo efficient). Now that is My Government at work, yea. Oh, and there is a deadline for renewal so if I'd waited until shortly before the deadline, I would have been violating the law to drive the car without a current sticker while waiting for them to tell me it had to be be inspected and the resultant time delay.

Have I bored you yet? See how Facebook fails?