Saturday, December 29, 2007

Hyphenated Names

I read in the Wall Street Journal that hyphenated names are falling out of favor. This was a disappointment to me because I had looked forward to some interesting permutations.

For example, when the offspring of a hyphen grew up and married, and adopted a hyphen in their name, the government would have to start redesigning all their forms to accommodate the larger surnames. And the names themselves could get interesting, especially after several generations. Doe-Smith-Kosolavsky-Ivanovich-etcetera

Then think about the bride that wanted to make a statement, looking for a mate that had a surname that helped her express her feelings. Maybe her last name is "Im-Lotta" and she wanted to add "crap." No telling where that would end. (Anybody know someone whose name is "Inna"?

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


A little known side of George Washington.